Aqua Painting Logo: graphic of paint can with aqua paint in it and a paintbrush with a swag of aqua paint

NJ House Painting Contractor

Somerset, Hunterdon, Warren, Morris, Union,
Mercer and Middlesex counties and
their surrounding communities

Serving the Hillsborough, NJ Community
for Over 20 Years

Owner-Operated and Staffed with Full-Time Professional Painters

People often give their home a fresh coat of paint before putting it on the market. The key here is to paint with the buyer in mind, rather than your own preferences.

The right color paint can accentuate the natural features of your home and, at the same time, hide its flaws. For instance, fresh paint can make a naturally dark room look brighter and make a small room seem less confining. And this is your goal – to make your home as attractive as possible to potential buyers.

You may favor bright, bold colors or like the dramatic effect deep, dark shades give your interior walls. That’s perfectly fine while you are living in the home, but those colors can turn prospective buyers off because they clash with their furnishings or just don’t fit their personalities. Remember, buyers can be distracted by the paint you choose and not see the beauty of the home itself.

Warm, neutral paint colors make a home inviting and let prospective buyers picture themselves in your space. Think shades of grays and beiges. These colors are timeless and give your home a light, clean feel.

If painting your whole house the same color is too boring for you, consider using accent colors to break up the monotony. Choose accent colors in a darker shade of your base color and use them to create cohesion between rooms or to paint an accent wall.

Painting the interior of your home before you put it up for sale is an investment you most likely will recoup at closing. Just remember: When choosing your paint, you want prospective buyers to remember your house and not the color of your walls.